Very good battle, gentlemen. This is my fifth listen.
Flow: SenatorJohnDean
SJD's flow was incredibly pointed, and it was very interesting to hear a new, more creative style from him. Gas' flow is the same that he (almost) always uses, so there's nothing I can say positively about it; on the other hand, it's a good flow, so there's not really anything bad I can say about it, either. Gas seemed to stumble over a few lines, and it broke his flow a little.
Punches: SenatorJohnDean
SJD's punches were way harder. Gas fell back on "raping" and "virgins" (and in the second verse, he put them both together), and, to be perfectly honest, neither were really great punches to begin with. Gas' political diss was a little long-winded, the assassination line was cool, but the outro gun cocking and firing pretty much ruined that one for me. John's delivery, too, was more entertaining: he seemed to have a little fun with his verses, while still bringing the heat, and that's a skill I really admire.
Flips: Tie
Both had some good flips. To me, at least, their own references to their respective first verses were actually more entertaining than their flips.
This was a very close battle: SJD's flow was the tiebreaker.
The Senator for the advance.